Sunday, February 16, 2020

Chapter Summaries and case Studies Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Chapter Summaries and Studies - Case Study Example This paper will present a summary of chapters 1 to 5 and tackle the case study questions for the Akron Children Hospital. Chapter one is titled Introduction to Business Research, and in this chapter, the authors offer an introduction on the reasons why the business research should be studied. It highlights the relevance of the information and its significance in giving organizations a competitive advantage in the business world. The authors are keen to introduce the role of research in developing a business strategy as well as in making decisions. An intriguing aspect tackled in this chapter is the hierarchy of information followed by many organizations when making decisions. After offering such an informative introduction, the authors proceed to present a preview of the entire research process. From this review, readers get to understand that, research is not always problem solving based. Qualities of good research are also discussed in this introductory chapter. In a bid to place emphasis on different research methodologies, four different research studies are presented in this chapter and the type o f each research discussed in details (Cooper & Schindler, 2013). Chapter two of the book tackles a significant aspect in research which surrounds ethics. Notably, each field of study has a cord of ethics that researchers must adhere to. Such ethical considerations are critical in promoting the integrity of the research as well as in the development of a favorable relationship between the respondents and the researcher. More critically, some business researchers have sponsors who provide the funds for carrying out the research. Therefore, a cord of ethics also governs the relationship between the researcher and the sponsor (p. 39). Moreover, researchers rely on the efforts of the members to collect and analyze data. The relationship between the researchers and the team members should also be governed by a defined cord of ethics. The authors

Monday, February 3, 2020

The most Important Legacy of Reformation for us Today Essay

The most Important Legacy of Reformation for us Today - Essay Example The protestant reformation started in Europe in the early sixteenth century1. The works of Martin Luther King’s activities that he carried out in the late fifteenth century informed the reforms. During such times, it was evident in the Roman Catholic Church that the pope had the powers to sale of penance letters to people following the fact that he was deficient of the authority to forgive sins. In those days, the priest was highly regarded more important than any other person. Therefore, anything that he did was highly regarded as of moral right and was subject to no rejection or question. In this regard, the Catholic Church considered priests more than other considered other people. Following the ever questionable issues noticed by Luther regarding the practice of the pope, Luther advocated for provision of the Bible to everyone to read for themselves. It is due to such ill beliefs and practice that forced Martin Luther to call an end to such practices. He gained many follow ers in various countries by inspiring many religious reformers to break away from the Catholic Church and develop their own ideas. ... The reformations led to various religious wars that was termed the Thirty Years War. Christians believe in the ability of God to forgive sins since he has the power to do so. However, the notion that a person can influence God to forgive another is misleading. It is the idea of forgiveness of sins as well as the massive power accorded to the pope that led to the call to reformation. Reformation is an important aspect of human life. It is of crucial importance to highlight that different reformation always follow quests of justice with regards to certain matters that affect humanity. As such, people may always engage in protests with the hope of correcting a wrong where necessary. Such issues that always bring notable protests that mark the beginnings of reformations always arise from several sources. A major factor that may push for reformation may involve political factors. This may be evident where certain issues are considered oppressive to the general wellbeing of humanity. In ad dition, several protests championing for reforms may follow differences in religious views. As such, several religious societies may collude and strongly oppose a wrongdoing that may be evident in the society. Major reformations in history came with regards to the Roman Catholic church. The church in earlier days had several provisions and guidelines hat majority of followers considered oppressive. Such did not marry well with their beliefs and the faith they had in Christianity. Majority of such issues were being steered forth by the people of high ranks in the church. Such issues were considered oppressive to the faith and beliefs that were maintained by the faithful. This brought forth major reforms in